3 research outputs found

    Descriptor feature based on local binary pattern for face classification

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    Local Binary Patterns (LBP) is a non-parametric descriptor whose purpose is to effectively summarize local image configurations. It has generated increasing interest in many aspects including facial image analysis, vision detection, facial expression analysis, demographic classification, etc. in recent years and has proven useful in various applications. This paper presents a local binary pattern based face recognition (LBP) technology using a Vector Support Machine (SVM). Combine the local characteristics of LBP with universal characteristics so that the general picture characteristics are more robust. To reduce dimension and maximize discrimination, super vector machines (SVM) are used. Screened and Evaluated (FAR), FARR and Accuracy Score (Acc), not only on the Yale Face database but also on the expanded Yale Face Database B datasets, the test results indicate that the approach is accurate and practical, and gives a recognition rate of 98 %

    Database techniques for resilient network monitoring and inspection

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    Network connection logs have long been recognized as integral to proper network security, maintenance, and performance management. This paper provides a development of distributed systems and write optimized databases: However, even a somewhat sizable network will generate large amounts of logs at very high rates. This paper explains why many storage methods are insufficient for providing real-time analysis on sizable datasets and examines database techniques attempt to address this challenge. We argue that sufficient methods include distributing storage, computation, and write optimized datastructures (WOD). Diventi, a project developed by Sandia National Laboratories, is here used to evaluate the potential of WODs to manage large datasets of network connection logs. It can ingest billions of connection logs at rates over 100,000 events per second while allowing most queries to complete in under one second. Storage and computation distribution are then evaluated using Elastic-search, an open-source distributed search and analytics engine. Then, to provide an example application of these databases, we develop a simple analytic which collects statistical information and classifies IP addresses based upon behavior. Finally, we examine the results of running the proposed analytic in real-time upon broconn (now Zeek) flow data collected by Diventi at IEEE/ACM Supercomputing 2019

    Enhancing child safety with accurate fingerprint identification using deep learning technology

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    Utilizing deep learning algorithms to differentiate the fingerprints of children can greatly enhance their safety. This advanced technology enables precise identification of individual children, facilitating improved monitoring and tracking of their activities and movements. This can effectively prevent abductions and other forms of harm, while also providing a valuable resource for law enforcement and other organizations responsible for safeguarding children. Furthermore, the use of deep learning algorithms minimizes the potential for errors and enhances the overall accuracy of fingerprint recognition. Overall, implementing this technology has immense potential to significantly improve the safety of children in various settings. Our experiments have demonstrated that deep learning significantly enhances the accuracy of fingerprint recognition for children. The model accurately classified fingerprints with an overall accuracy rate of 93%, surpassing traditional fingerprint recognition techniques by a significant margin. Additionally, it correctly identified individual children's fingerprints with an accuracy rate of 89%, showcasing its ability to distinguish between different sets of fingerprints belonging to different children